Google made a big announcement regarding Whatsapp Mobile Number List Match Types (aka keyword options) for keywords. Broad Match Modified is disappearing. This important announcement has been emailed to all advertisers. Not only may this emphatic communication create some uncertainty among advertisers, the change in these Whatsapp Mobile Number List Match Types may also affect your campaign performance. It is important to know that Google uses this change with a view to broadening Match Types. And therefore increasingly focuses on automation and the use of smart bidding. Google is increasingly understanding the context of the search and this also applies to organic search results.
In this article I indicate what is changing Whatsapp Mobile Number List and I give my view on the changes. Finally, I explain what you could do in the coming months and how to prepare well for this final change. What will change and when? The changes that Google announced specifically relate to the terms Phrase Match (to be broadened) and Broad Whatsapp Mobile Number List Match Modified (to disappear), as we know and use them today. The changes take place in two phases, depending on your language. The first languages to be updated are English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Russian. Phase 1, from mid-February 2021: Phrase Whatsapp Mobile Number List Match will be expanded and existing BMM keywords will be updated. The BMM keywords then function the same as Phrase Match keywords.
This is expected to be fully implemented in Whatsapp Mobile Number List April. Phase 2, from June 2021: all other languages will be provided with the same update. Google expects to complete this in July. In July 2021: Once the updates are rolled out globally, you will no longer be able to enter/upload new BMM keywords in Google. Search term vs Whatsapp Mobile Number List keyword Previously, Phrase Match keyword groups differed from BMM keywords because with Phrase Match word order was important. In this context, I will first explain the difference between a keyword and a search term. A search term is the word or phrase a user enters when Whatsapp Mobile Number List searching on Google or any of the other platforms in the search network. Later on, in the context of automation/smart bidding, I use the term search term.