How can brand values be properly communicated to customers? Based on the requirements of the To B field for the practical applicability text message service of products, good content dissemination has gradually become a new marketing method. I just entered the To B field 9 years ago. Many manufacturing companies think that doing brand marketing is a "virtual" thing. As long as the product technology is good enough, there will be customers to buy it, and the image cannot be seen immediately. Today, the impact of the Internet on To B's business logic has also begun to make companies continue to change their minds. The reproducibility of new technologies with lower thresholds; customers receive more information interference, and continuous technical services have higher requirements...
These challenges have to make To B companies turn to build more stable and irreplaceable brand values—— In addition to product advantages, it is also necessary to integrate more comprehensive values to gain the attention and recognition of more text message service customers. How can brand values be properly communicated to customers? Based on the requirements of the To B field for the practical applicability of products, good content dissemination has gradually become a new marketing method. The "content" here is not the traditional writing of articles to show the strength of the company, but the development of more forms of application-based content based on the user's usage scenarios and efficiency improvement needs - how to solve users' problems, obtain sales leads, and guide customers purchase.
Now the content marketing model is constantly innovating, so through today's article, I will review my staged content work, and use diagrams to text message service sort out the logic, so as to lay a solid foundation for more new ideas in the future. 1. Content marketing is a set of systematic marketing methods "Mind Map" To B corporate content marketing strategy sorting, bid farewell to self-healing corporate draft (1) Strategic Based on the guidance of brand strategy - what product value to provide customers, the theme of content marketing will set a direction. However, the brand value is generally relatively broad, and it will appear large and empty if it is directly used as a theme, so it needs to be subdivided. (2) Strategic The stage and user needs of each product are not different, so under the guidance of brand value, there should be different content combinations at each stage, including differences in themes and forms, with the development of the product, and should not be generalized.